A Story in Three Parts: Novel, Play and Musical
Princess Aqualine the Wise inks daily proclamations from her castle in LaPoste, France, inspiring her realm into the Renaissance and toward better lives. Allison Warner dubs herself Princess Allison the Benevolent and hosts nightly webcasts to her small-town realm of LaPoste, Wisconsin, inspiring her loyal subjects through their daily struggles with friends, parents and growing up. Defying logic, Aqualine and Allison communicate magically through their dreams, seeing and influencing each other’s worlds.
But problem – solving Princess Allison has a problem of her own. Her old nemesis Sophia, the most popular girl in school, has brought her a secret problem too frightening to envision and Allison has agreed to help. But what to do? If only the solution was as easy as recommending Gators, those colorful, rubbery waterproof shoes, to beat the Wisconsin wet.
Gators? This phenomenal idea has turned Princess Aqualine’s world upside down. Brightly colored shoes made of this foreign substance, rubber? If her kingdom’s alchemists devise the concoction, might it benefit her realm in more ways than footwear? Alas, the challenge may be too great, giving Princess Aqualine’s nemesis, Lady Saraphina more reasons to taunt and tease. And for the realm to doubt her magical ideas.
Alliances will form between Princess Allison and a brave police detective, and Princess Aqualine and the realm’s brave knight. With the help of their loyal ladies in waiting, both Princesses will overcome skeptics and their own self-doubt to prove themselves inspired leaders.
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August 15, 2019 – Castle Rock, CO